BioGuard SaltScapes Test Strip Pack provides you with the tools to test all the required levels in your salt water pool. This pack contains 10 strips to test your salt level and 25 strips to test ph, alkalinity, calcium hardness, stabilizer, and chlorine. Simply dip the test strip in the water and match to the chart on the bottle.
Use With:
In-Ground Pools
Above Ground Pools
Hot Tubs and Spas
Product Information
Balance strips test water balance and chlorine levels
Helps ensure swimmer comfort, equipment protection and sanitizer efficiency
Salt Strips ensure proper salt range for chlorine generation
How to Use BioGuard SaltScapes Test Strips
If pH is high (D), apply BioGuard® SaltScapes pH Reducer to protect surfaces and equipment.
If Free Chlorine is low (A), adjust chlorine generator output to fight bacteria and algae.
If Total Chlorine > Free Chlorine, apply BioGuard SaltScapes Chlorine-Free Shock Oxidizer to equalize levels.
If Stabilizer is low (A), apply BioGuard SaltScapes SunShield® Stabilizer to protect chlorine from sunlight.
If Calcium Hardness is high (C or D), apply BioGuard SaltScapes Scale Defender to defend against scaling.
If Total Alkalinity is low (A or B), add BioGuard Balance PAK® 100 to buffer pH levels.
Collect a sample of water in a clean small cup. Only about an inch of water is necessary.
Place the test strip into the sample and allow to soak until the yellow band at the top of the strip turns dark.
Remove strip and determine where the top of the light color peak stops. Use this value to compare to the table on the bottle to find the salt level.