Trying to take your winter cover off by yourself and leaves dump in the pool? Confused on which equipment valves to open and close? Can’t find the eyeball for your return?

Relieve yourself from the stress of opening your pool by scheduling Zagers’ trained professionals to do the work so that you can get busy having fun in the pool!

Zagers offers Pool Openings for Above Ground Pools and In-Ground Pools.

Zagers professional pool opening services include:

  • Removing and cleaning the winter cover
  • Hooking-up and turning on equipment
  • Adding start-up chemicals
  • Re-installing railings, ladders

Ready to schedule your pool opening? Please fill out the request on this page or call the service dept at (616) 896-1717.

Closing your pool can be a lot of work. We hear lots of questions from customers. Things like: Am I supposed to drain the water down? Do I need an air pillow? Am I doing everything in the right order?

When you close you a pool only once a year, you might not remember all of the steps. You’re not alone. We close hundreds of in-ground and above ground pools, so leave it to us! Schedule your pool closing now.

A Professional Full Pool Closing Includes:

  • Putting on the winter cover
  • Adding winter chemicals
  • Installing necessary closing accessories (air pillows, water tubes, gizzmo, etc)
  • Winterizing and disconnecting equipment
  • Removing railings, ladders
  • Water blown out of pool lines with commercial blower (in-ground)
  • Adding anti-freeze (in-ground)

Blowing Lines Includes (In-ground pools only):

  • Adding winter chemicals
  • Water blown out of pool lines with commercial blower
  • Adding anti-freeze

Ready to schedule your pool closing? Please fill out the request on this page or call the service dept at (616) 896-1717.