How to Use BioGuard SaltScapes Algae Remover
Add 1 lb of BioGuard Smart Shock per 12,000 gallons of pool water.
Follow application directions on these products.
Allow to circulate for 1 hour. With pump and filter operating, apply 16 fluid ounces of this product per 10,000 gallons of pool water directly to the pool water in areas of heaviest algae growth.
Continuously circulate pool water for the next 24 hours. Afterwards, thoroughly brush pool surfaces.
Prior to re-entry, test chlorine level. Do not re-enter pool until chlorine level is between 1–4 ppm. In cases of persistent algae, repeat brushing and application after 2–4 days.
A filter aid may be used to enhance filter efficiency. Chemically cleaning the filter is recommended 3 to 4 days after treatment.