How to Use the BioGuard Arctic Blue Winter Kit
Use 1 pound of this product for each 6,000 gallons of pool water. With the circulation system of the pool on, broadcast the entire dosage into the deep end of the pool. Brush any undissolved product off the surface of the pool with a surface compatible brush. Continue to circulate the pool for at least 30 minutes before proceeding to the next step in the winterization process.
Add the appropriate amount of BioGuard Off Season Arctic Blue Shock according to the label directions of that product. Allow to circulate 2-4 hours. Then pour this product into the pool around its edges with the pool circulation system operating. Add 16 fluid ounces of BioGuard Off Season Arctic Blue Algae Protector for each 12,000 gallons of pool water. Circulate pool water for 1 hour. Then, clean filter and pool walls at water line. In areas with severe freezing, drain pool equipment and plumbing lines or use an antifreeze recommended for swimming pool plumbing and equipment. Always follow the cleaning directions established by the manufacturer and/or pool builder. Pools with mesh covers or without covers may need to add the appropriate amount of BioGuard Off Season Arctic Blue Shock according to the label directions for that product midwinter or just prior to freezing.